Guy Boothby – Parts Edition

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This is the Parts Edition of this Main Series author. A Parts Edition features the same contents of the single ePub file, but with all the novels, plays and other works divided into separate eBooks.

As well as the individual Parts, you will also receive a download link for the original single file version.

Learn more about our Parts Editions here.



GUY BOOTHBY 1, A Bid for Fortune
GUY BOOTHBY 2, Dr. Nikola
GUY BOOTHBY 3, The Lust of Hate
GUY BOOTHBY 4, Dr. Nikola’s Experiment
GUY BOOTHBY 5, “Farewell, Nikola”
GUY BOOTHBY 6, In Strange Company
GUY BOOTHBY 7, A Lost Endeavour
GUY BOOTHBY 8, The Marriage of Esther
GUY BOOTHBY 9, The Beautiful White Devil
GUY BOOTHBY 10, Sheila McLeod
GUY BOOTHBY 11, Across the World for a Wife
GUY BOOTHBY 12, Pharos, the Egyptian
GUY BOOTHBY 13, Love Made Manifest
GUY BOOTHBY 14, The Red Rat’s Daughter
GUY BOOTHBY 15, A Sailor’s Bride
GUY BOOTHBY 16, “Long Live the King!”
GUY BOOTHBY 17, A Maker of Nations
GUY BOOTHBY 18, The Woman of Death
GUY BOOTHBY 19, A Cabinet Secret
GUY BOOTHBY 20, A Millionaire’s Love Story
GUY BOOTHBY 21, The Mystery of the Clasped Hands
GUY BOOTHBY 22, My Strangest Case
GUY BOOTHBY 23, The Childerbridge Mystery
GUY BOOTHBY 24, The Curse of the Snake
GUY BOOTHBY 25, The Kidnapped President
GUY BOOTHBY 26, A Brighton Tragedy
GUY BOOTHBY 27, In Spite of the Czar
GUY BOOTHBY 28, The Race of Life
GUY BOOTHBY 29, A Prince of Swindlers
GUY BOOTHBY 30, Uncle Joe’s Legacy, and Other Stories
GUY BOOTHBY 31, The Crime of the Under-Seas
GUY BOOTHBY 32, Miscellaneous Tales
GUY BOOTHBY 33, On the Wallaby
GUY BOOTHBY 34, Brief Biography: Guy Boothby by Gabriel Stanley Woods


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