We’re delighted to present our new series of Asian and Middle-Eastern inspired texts, providing eReaders with prominent works of history, fiction, religion and philosophy from the Orient, complemented with the original texts. These beautifully designed eBooks will be invaluable resources for scholars, while offering priceless treasures for the general reader.
Forthcoming titles in the series:
Ainu Texts
The Avesta
Baháʼí Texts
Book of Sindibād
Guru Granth Sahib
The Hadith
Jain Texts
Kama Sutra of Vatsayayana
Kavi Bilhana
The Kojiki
The Laws of Manu
Milinda Panha
Muro Kyūsō
Nihon Shoki
Nō – Japanese Dance-Dramas
Pahlavi Texts
The Puranas
The Qur’an
Sacred Laws of the Aryas
Sufi Texts
The Tale of Genji
Tanka Poetry
Tao Te Ching
The Upanishads
The Vedas
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
We already have a range of prominent Eastern works in our catalogue. Start exploring here…
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